Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Showing What Is Possible" Journal Response

"Showing What Is Possible" 
by: Jacques D' Amboise

The short story, "Showing What Is Possible" is about how the author began dancing at the age of 7 years old to keep out of trouble. He did not want to do this at first he would do things like disrupt the dance class so the teacher would kick him out. Little did he know the teacher had plans, she challenged him after every dance class. He became a great dancer, she thought him and his sister should be placed in a more advance dance school. He joined a ballet company and he goes on to tell about his personal life and careers he done with dance.  He starts to talk about him now, how he is a dance teacher and what type of students he has taught. He goes on saying that you can do anything no matter what your demographic, culture, size, or if you are handicapped. That no matter the difference someone is admiring you encouraging you to work better and harder.  That there are so much things to do out here in the world. He finally say that we are polluting our children’s mind, we are not teaching them civilizing things. He goes on to say that everyone has a trunk in their attic filled with things. And he basically ask are you going to fill it with negative things of this generation today  or fill it with things that truly matter the positive things like music, dance, poetry , literature, good manners, and loving friends.

I agree with the author of this short story in the book. I think he is right about children needing something to encourage them that there is more out in the world and they can become anything they want to be.  Today generations consist of violence and disrespect no values and goals. Children look at violence on TV’s cause children to become violent.  What I would put in my trunk for my children is music that has meaning, books, history, things that show family and love, things that show respect and goals. This will let them know they can be successful and that I am here to encourage them to go for their goals because there are wonderful things in this world. 

D'Amboise, Jacques. "Showing What Is Possibe." Trans. Array The Longman Reader. Judith Nadell, John Langan and Eliza A Comidromos. 9th Edition. New York, NY: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2009 - 2010. 405-408. Print.

1 comment:

  1. Very similar issues to the one above, except that there doesn't appear to be a quotation in this summary or response. Try to find a good one and edit it into here, practicing the proper citation format. Besides that, everything looks pretty good, but don't underline the titles of short stories. Just a little thing that was different from your other one.
